This page about Java is quite old, from days when Java was new and kinda slow. Today there surely are all kinds of goodies and much better libraries.
/* ... */ multiline comment /** ... */ javadoc comment, common tags // until end of line comment @see @version @return @param \u1234 UNICODE character @author @execption @deprecated public access for all classes protected access for classes from same package and subclasses <default> access for classes from same package private access for no-one but the class itself static class variable, access by class not instance, inited in class init final class can not be subclassed, field can not be changed static final CONSTANT, is inlined during compilation { ... } block delimiters " ... " String literal, void no return value from method ++, -- increment/decrement boolean true/false +, - unary char 16 bit (UNICODE character) ~ bitwise NOT byte 8 bit ! logical NOT short 16 bit integer (type) typecast int 32 bit integer *, /, % mult, div, remainder long 64 bit integer +, - add, substract float 32 bit IEEE754 floating point + String concat double 64 bit IEEE754 floating point << left shift Object any kind of non-primitive type >> right shift sign ext. null null reference to an Object >>> right shift no ext <, <=, >=, > numeric comparison field instance or class variable instanceof type comparison method function, subroutine ==, != equality, inequality of member field or method value or reference constructor class instance initializer & bitwise or boolean AND ^ bitwise or boolean XOR \ is escape character | bitwise or boolean OR \b backspace ^H 08 && conditional AND \t tab ^I 09 || conditional OR \n newline 0A ?: conditional ternary op \r carriage return ^M 0D = assignment \f form feed *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, \" " >>>=, &=, ^=, |= assign with op \' ' .equals() obj content comparison \\ \ \nnn octal number (max. 377)
Reference class header
// for a class in a package, the .class file has to be in a subdir of the // classpath or of a jar file: for example, lets look at // <classpath-dir>/pack/subpack/MyClass.class package pack.subpack; public // visible outside of package. Only one class/file may be public. final // cannot be subclassed abstract // contains abstract methods (methods without implementation block) class MyClass // instanceof MyClass, MySuperClass, MyInterface extends MySuperClass // is a subclass of MySuperClass: // inheritence of non-private members of MySuperClass // overriding of methods with same name // shadowing of fields with same name implements MyInterface // is a MyInterface, implements methods declared there { //fields // these modifiers can be used only with instance or class // variables, not with vars local to a block (which always // have only block-wide scope and visibility) public or protected or private or <default> final // can not be overridden static // "global", shared by all instances of the class MyType myVar; // declaration. If init missing, Java supplies default init // to 0 or 0.0 or false or null. static { // static constructor for init of static vars. executed once } // when class is loaded. //constructors public or protected or private or <default> MyClass() { // has no return type, since always returns } // constructed object. If none specified, Java supplies // default MyClass() { super(); } constructor. // this(args) call another constructor of this class or // super(args) call another constructor of superclass, both have to be // first statement in block. If missing Java supplies super() //methods public or protected or private or <default> //if class final or method final or private, no overriding is possible, //no dynamic binding needed, less overhead, calls are faster final // can not be overridden static // class method not bound to instance, is also inherited, // thus implicitly final native // platform dependent, makes use of native code synchronized // aquires monitor lock before executing (peer class if // peer object otherwise). used in multitherading abstract // ; instead of {...} block methodName(params) // overloading: same name with different param list throws AnException // overriding methods must throw same exc. or subtype
The classpath is a list of places where Java classes can be found.In the following path names jre refers to your java home directory, also specified in the java environment variable java.home, which is the top-level directory of your JRE installation. When the VM is searching for a class of a particular name
- it will first look among the bootstrap classes. These are core classes like the java.lang package. They are located in jre/lib/rt.jar and jre/lib/i18n.jar.
- it will next look for the class among any installed extensions. Installed extensions are jar files in the directory jre/lib/ext. A installed extension may contain executables and shared libraries (such as .dll files). Executables are placed in jre/bin on Windows, or jre/lib/[arch] on Unix. Native libraries may also be placed in jre/lib/ext/[arch], searched afterwards.
- it will then look for download extensions. A download extension is a jar file, and it's location is explicitely specified in the Class-Path header field in the manifest of another jar file. Download extensions cannot have any native code.
- finally, it searches the classpath, which is stored in java.class.path. You can set it explicitely using the option -classpath or -cp. Otherwise, the CLASSPATH environment variable sets it. If this also is not available, then it defaults to the current directory (which most of the time will not work). When using the -jar option, the classpath is set to the jar file, which overrides any other definition. The JAR file's manifest is consulted to find the name of the application's main class specified via the Main-Class manifest attribute.